.::D::..:[PUMEC] :..:EMO-tions:.[R3]{PM}@Dark Side@On9@The Crossroads@The Gacha GuardiansFshnLegal InsanityMRMno.match_RAMA
♕ FSHN//101
*I'm Using*
•Head: CATWA - Catya
•Body: Maitreya - Lara
•Skin: .:[PUMEC] :. - .:Astrid:. *Catwa
•Hair: no.match_ - ~ No_Opinion ~ @On9
•Eyeshadow: MRM - "Mirella" Eyes Makeup *Catwa
•Lipstick: MRM - "Milla Trasparent" Lipstick *Catwa
•Necklace: .:EMO-tions:. - * ANDY * Necklace @On9
•T-shirt & Belt: Legal Insanity - Hana Tshirts @The Crossroads
•Legging: [R3] - Gracen Leggings [V2]
•Shoes: .::D::. - Pamela Shoes RARE @Dark Side
•Pose: {PM} - Violet
•Background: RAMA - #selfie_RAMA Cyan Baffle @The Gacha Guardians
On9 {until April, 28th}
The Gacha Guardians {until April, 30th}
Dark Side {until April, 30th}
The Crossroads {until April, 28th}
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